Monday, November 17, 2008


I'm still recovering from the Fresno trip over the weekend. I felt so productive, but damn, what a way to spend a weekend...

There will be a flickr upload soon. Patrick and I went to Home Depot and Lowe's right before I left. What is it that makes Home Depot so awesome, can someone please explain it? I really need 8 gallons of mint green high gloss paint, a ceramic toilet, a clearance brushed nickel fridge, and 347 nails. That'll be $612, thank you very much.

Patrick and I looked at nine houses on Friday morning, really liked four of them, and I'm thinking of buying two. When I told Jasmin at work what they were running for, she totally cracked me up:

(scene: Dots Cafe. Camera pans down to Jasmin and Mike at a booth)
Jasmin: That sounds like lots of fun. How's the car running?
Mike: Well, but to be honest, I'm almost more excited about the houses.
(enter Jessica, sits to Mike's right)
Jessica: What about houses now?
Jasmin: Mike's planning on being a great land baron in Fresno.
Jessica: Oh, that sounds like fun.
Mike: It is.
Jasmin: So how much are houses going for right now?
Mike: I'm looking at at least three houses tomorrow that are going for less than $37/sq. ft.
Jasmin (incredulously): How much?!
Mike: $37/sq ft.
Jasmin: Oh my god...I think I've paid more for carpeting.
Jessica: What's with all the house talk?
Mike: I'm going down to Fresno to look at some houses to buy.
Jessica: I thought she was kidding.
Jasmin: Oh no, I was serious.

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