Wednesday, November 25, 2009

538, How do I love thee....


Sunday, November 08, 2009

Am I really asking too much...really?

OK, so what's up with the internet? Why was it so hard for me to track down a version of Minbari 2 font and install it? OK, the internet can't really be blamed for that second one as much as Word can... Some amusing observations:

1) Yahoo! navigated me to both, while Google seemed only to understand Minbari 1 font.
2) Open Office functioned fine, while Word choked on both Minbari fonts

Also, because no one should ever again be without Minbari font, here are the links:

Minbari 1
Minbari 2

I also have the physical files on my computer, just email me if you want them.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Maine's Queston 1...

Nate Silver has some interesting things to say.

All I can say is this is depressing. We're now 0-31. I know MLK is right, that the arc of history is long, but that it bends towards justice. Alas, long is feeling really long lately...